Talking about alcohol responsibly… it’s not easy!

We live in a world where alcohol use is heavily marketed, tolerated and even encouraged. Unfortunately, alcohol and work don't mix – so how do you talk about alcohol use in a responsible way with colleagues and employees?

Posted by Don Shenker on 6th October 2016

Mental Health Awareness Week 2016

16th–22nd May is Mental Health Awareness Week 2016. We've created a fact sheet for employers discussing the links between alcohol and mental health and how employers can create an alcohol aware workplace.

Contact Us if you'd like a copy

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Posted by Paula Glassman on 11th May 2016

Tags: mental health, alcohol, workplace, employee wellbeing

Managers twice as likely to drink heavily

Managers twice as likely to drink heavily as manual workers

Posted by Don Shenker on 13th November 2015