
This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is a voluntary response to Section 54(1), part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Alcohol Health Network CIC is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking violations in its own operations, its supply chain and its products. We have zero tolerance towards slavery and require our supply chain to comply with our values.


Organisational Structure

Alcohol Health Network has business operations in the United Kingdom. We operate in the Human Resources, Occupational Health and Local Authority / Public Health sectors. Our recruitment and people management processes are designed to ensure that all prospective employees are legally entitled to work in the UK and to safeguard employees from any abuse or coercions once in our employment.


Our supply chain

Alcohol Health Networks supply chain is limited and we procure goods and services from a limited number of UK companies.

We make sure our suppliers are aware of our policies and adhere to the same standards.


Actions taken in 2022/23

Over the past 12 months we have undertaken the following:

  • Made all staff aware of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and informed them of appropriate action to take if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking
  • Ensured Alcohol Health Networks procurement strategies and contract terms and conditions include references to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.


Key Performance Indicators:

Alcohol Health Network received zero reports from employees the public, or law enforcement agencies to indicate that modern slavery practices have been identified.


Actions to be taken in 2022-23

  • We will continue to work to raise awareness of modern slavery by reviewing and evaluating the measures and processes that we have implemented so far to ensure their effectiveness
  • We will work with our suppliers and review our processes with our delivery partners to identify any additional measures we can take as a business to combat modern slavery and human trafficking
  • We will make information available to our supply chain and delivery partners to inform them of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the appropriate action to take if they suspect a case of slavery or human trafficking.


Risk and compliance

The company has evaluated the nature and extent of its exposure to the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in its UK supply chain and we consider that we operate in a low-risk environment because we work with small owner run businesses with whom we have a close relationship.

We do not tolerate slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains. Where there is evidence of failure to comply with our policies and procedures by any of our suppliers, we will cease trading immediately or as soon as practically possible.


The statement was approved by the directors – September 2022

Next Review due: September 2023