
Lunch & Learn Webinars - 45 mins

Support your employees to make the changes they want to make.

Our interactive webinars for employees, "Develop Healthier Lifestyle Habits and Thrive in and Outside of Work" support your employees to cut down or take a break from alcohol any time of the year.

Webinars include tips and advice on building new habits, alcohol-free drinks, managing situations when you'd normally drink but dont want to and how to increase health and wellbeing. 

We also run these sessions live and on site where this is more suitable for your workplace.

I would urge all employers to promote
alcohol awareness in their workplace, to improve overall health and wellbeing.

- Professor Sir Cary L Cooper, CBE, University of Manchester



  • Alcohol and your mental health  - Managing stress, anxiety and uncertainty, positively and pro-actively

  • Definitions of ‘low-risk’ drinking, binge drinking and dependency - How to spot unhealthy patterns and change them

  • How much do you usually drink? - How much is too much, home measures and staying in control

  • Supporting friends, family or a colleague - Speaking to someone you are concerned may be drinking too much

  • Where to find support -  Signposting to your EAP, OH team or local NHS counselling services

  • Drink Checker e-learning platform included with every webinar - Allows your employees to anonymously check their drinking levels, receive brief advice on cutting down, as well as signposting heavy drinkers to your EAP, OH team or local NHS counselling services. 12 month license for Drink Checker included with every webinar.


All webinars can be tailored to suit your workforce. 


Drink Checker was very easy to implement and has been widely used by our staff. This is a great, respectful and uncomplicated way to address employees' drinking habits and support employees' health when it comes to alcohol.

Lise Tottrup Brennum, Lundbeck

Alcohol Awareness Webinars for HR/OH Teams - 1 hour

This online training will help you support your employees to drink safely and live well.


  • Promote a healthy alcohol culture across your workforce 
  • Understand how alcohol issues are linked to mental health and overall wellbeing

  • Practical advice and strategies to help you support employees 

  • Digital resource pack (fact sheets, guide for Line Managers)

  • Drink Checker e-learning platform included with every webinar (see details above)

Alcohol Awareness Webinars for Employers and Employees

Support your employees to make the changes they want to make throughout the year.




Get in touch

For more information on our webinars, please email or call 0203 151 2420